Sunday, November 13, 2022

60 Minutes Show on Vilna November 13, 2022

Good show on Vilna broadcast on  60 Minute November 13 2022

Click on the sound link to hear the narrative.  


My own notes: 

I was in Vilna with a Yiddish group years ago— met people who hid books during various wars hostilities.  

Here's the song Vilna --- 

I wish this had subtitles — Maria Krupoves is a well known Yiddish singer.   I met her years ago, 

Here’s a transliteration  - -I’m looking for a translation — 

Here it is with English subtitles:  


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  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...