Sunday, July 18, 2021


 A "campfire" song I love!

Arum dem Fayer

Arum dem fayer, 

Mir zingn lider, 

Di nakht is tayer, 

Men vert nit mider.

Un zol der fayer,

Farloshn vern,

Shaynt oyf der himl, 

Mit zayne shtern. 

To kroyn di kep,

Mit blumenkrantzn,

Arum dem fayer, 

Mir freylekh tantzen,

Vayl tantz un lid

Iz undzer lebn,

Dernokh in shlof, 

Khalolymes shveben.  


Roughly translated:

Around the fire we sing songs,

The night is lovely, we don't get tired.

And should the fire go out

Stars will shine in the sky!

So crown you head with garlands of flowers,

Around the fire we'll dance happily!

Because dance and song are our life,

Later in sleep we'll weave dreams!

Here's a link where you may be able to listen:

A nice video; hear it slowly first and then up to a good tempo!  

It notes:

"Shpielberg performs Arum Dem Fayer featuring Svetlana Kundish and Mendy Cahan. Shpielberg is Daniel Hoffman - violin, Tal Kuhn - contrabass, Eli Preminger - Trumpet, Yair Salzman - drums, and Ira Shiran - accordion."

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  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...