Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Reyzele in English

There standing in the street, is a still and thoughtful little house.

Inside in the attic, lives my dear Reyzele

Every evening in front to the house, I hang out.

I whistle and call out Reyzl!  Come come come!

A window opens. the old little house awakes,

And soon in the quiet street rings out, A sweet voice: Reyzele is speaking!

Wait a little longer my dear, I shall soon be free.

Walk around the street a while, One, Two, Three!

I walk cheerfully, singing and cracking hazelnuts,

Then I hear skipping down the steps, her little feet.

As she comes down the last step, I embrace her lovingly,

Quietly I kiss her head, come come come.

I ask you Dovidl, don't whistle anymore!

You hear, he's whistling says mother, She's pius; it upsets her.

Whistling, she says, is not for Jewish boys, it's only good for THEM!

Simply give a sign in Yiddish; One, Two, Three!

From today I won't whistle anymore, that I swear,

To please you I will even become pius, my modest one!

Whenever you want, Reyzl, I will be as observant as your mother.

And go every Sabbath to the synagogue!  Come, Come, Come!

I believe you, my beloved, and for that, David,

I shall knit for you a nice tfiln bag, with a Star of David,

When people in the synagogue will be pleased, you will tell them:

Reyzl, my beloved, knitted this! One Two Three!

Thank you for your present' I love you Reyzele!

I love your mother, I love the street, I love the old little house!

I love the stones near your house, since you tread on them!

Listen, your mother is already calling, Reyzl!  Come, Come, Come!

I go cheerfully, singing and cracking hazelnuts, 

I hear running on the steps, her little feet.

The little house again stands thoughtful, the street again quiet.

Come to me in my dreams, Reyzl, Come Come Come!


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