Friday, July 28, 2023


Some notes about this blog:   

I'm happy for others to visit this blog, but I mainly made it so I could find this material easily myself.  

I hope the links work; if I find any that do not maybe I'll take them down. 

I'm still working on some "navigation" issues.  At times you may need to re-enter the URL --    So if you would like to explore this blog,  please keep this link where you can find it!  

Anything here by by Khane-Faygl Turteletaub is copyrighted by her, belongs to her estate, and all rights reserved. 

Any material here written by others belongs to them as well.  

I apologize that so many of these posts are in Latin letters, and not Yiddish ones.  I've yet to find a manageable way to do this in Blogger!  

Also there is some duplication that needs to be addressed!

Where I could find material already available in Yiddish letters I made screenshots; otherwise transliteration must suffice. 


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About this Blog

  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...