Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Hulyet hulyet, beyze vintn, frei bahersht di velt

Brekht di tsvaygn, varft di beymer, tut vos aykh gefelt

Traybt di feygl fun di felder un faryogt zey fort

Di vos kenen vayt nisht flien, teyt zey afn ort

Rayst di lodn fun di hayzlekh, shoybn brekht aroys

Brent a likhtl ergets tunkl, lesht mit tsorn oys

Hulyet hulyet, beyze vintn, itst iz ayer tsayt

Lang vet doyern der vinter, zumer iz nokh vayt

Lang vet doyern nisht der vinter, zumer iz nisht vayt

Wailing, wailing winds of evil, play upon the land

Fell the trees and break the branches by your raging hand

Roust the birds from quiet meadows, let them seek to fly

If a wing is weak or broken, crush them as they try

Rend the doors off all the hinges, shatter every pane

If in darkness shines a flicker, kill the fucking flame

Wailing, wailing winds of evil, while your time is nigh

Long will winter keep the light of summer from the sky

words Avrum Reisen  

music Mikhl Gelbart  


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