Sunday, September 5, 2021


shprayz ikh mir mit gikhe mit gikhe trit,

nokh a ferdl tsum yarid, tsum yarid.

mitn tayser kling ikh mir, kling ikh mir,

un a lidl zing ikh mir, zing ikh mir.

tsu der shtot iz vayt, nokh zer vayt,

shteyt a kretshmer bay der zayt, bay der zayt.

brayt tse ofn iz di tir, iz di tir,

kretshmer gib a glezl, gib a glezl mir.

Jaj, daj daj...


nokh a glezel, nokh eynz, nokh a gloz,

gizt mir on der bale, der balebos,

vos mir shtot un ven mir ven yarid,

az keyn ferdl darf ikh nit, darf ikh nit.


dos ferdl hob ikh nit gekoyft, nit gekoyft,

un dos gelt shoyn lang farzoyft, lang farzoyft,

un far tsores shpring ikh mir, shpring ikh mir,

un a lidl zing ikh mir, zing ikh mir.

Jaj, daj daj...

Lyrics at:ßburger-klezmer-band-shprayz-ikh-mir-lyrics.html

 and see: 

Preßburger Klezmer Band - Shprayz Ikh Mir

You can hear various performances of this lively song at Amazon Music searching on the phrase  "Shprayz ikh mir."  

Years ago at a residential Yiddish class I attended in London, there were three young men from Berlin who had a klezmer band that performed all over Germany.  None of them was Jewish, but apparently klezmer from any source was popular in Germany at the time.  They were in the music track of this London-based Yiddish program where they, along with other klezmer bands and Yiddish performers, received coaching as well as language instruction.    This was their "signature" song!      


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