Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Many years ago I had the privilege of attending a series of Yiddish classes in London.   They were held in classrooms of London University and the students came from all over the world.

On Saturdays we would take the Tube to an old formerly Jewish neighborhood where in donated space we would attend meetings of the local Yiddish group.    The format was simple -- first we sang a song together, always the same song, and afterwards everyone who had prepared something would read, recite or sing a story, poem or song that they had composed themselves in Yiddish or simply loved and wanted to share with the group.   

Then we would have light refreshments and everyone contributed to a "kitty" to pay for this and for the use of the space.  

The participants  -- mostly senior native speakers -- were warm and welcoming.  It was a lovely activity.  

Here are the words to their opening song - Khayashu  -- by Chiam Tauber.  I love this song because it reminds me to live in the present as much as I can.  Here are the words; just click once to enlarge it.  

I could not find the music on line So I just sang it myself into my computer!  I am still searching for an MP3 or similar sound file for this post! 

Also see at:

Title: Khaye Sho (Yid) -- חיי שעה (ייִדיש)

Author: Tauber, Chaim Shmuel (Shami) טױבער, חיים שמואל (שמאי)

Composer: Tauber, Chaim Shmuel (Shami) טױבער, חיים שמואל (שמאי)

Subject: Seize Moment/Live For Today

Song Comment: Khaym Towber's radio theme song

Transliteration: CD K-029(j)

Translation: CD K-029(j)

On album: E-001(f) (David Eshet Stars of Israel -- דוד עשת)

Track ID: 8228

Author/Composer Tauber, Chaim Shmuel (Shami) טױבער, חיים שמואל (שמאי)

Artist Eshet, David -- עשת, דוד

Artist Winternitz, Dr. Khanan -- וינטרניץ, ד"ר חנן

First line: Haynt iz do, haye sho, morgn, ver veyst, vos vet zayn?

First line:הײַנט איז דאָ חיי שעה, מאָרגן, װער װײסט װאָס װעט זײַן? הײַנט איז..

Audio: Freedman Sound Archives at Penn Libraries (temporarily unavailable)

Track comment: "Transitory Pleasure" ""חיי-שעה



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  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...