Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Rock Around the Clock -- Rokn arum di Zeyger

ראָקן אַרום דעם זײגער

Yiddish Lyrics by Khane-Faygl Turtletaub


אײנס, צװײ, דרײַ אַ זײגער, פֿיר אַ זײגער – קנאַק!

פֿינף, זעקס, זיבן אַ זײגער, אַכט אַ זײגער – האַק!

נײַן, צען, עלף אַ זײגער, צװעלף אַ זײגער – שלאַק!

מיר װעלן הוליען ביזן טאָג אַרײַן!


טו זיך אָן גאָר פֿײַן־אַ קלײדל,  אַ שײנס,

מיר װעלן גוט פֿאַרברענגען װען דער זײגער שלאָגט אײנס!


מיר װעלן הוליען ביזן טאָג אַרײַן,

ביז מיר זעען זונענשײַן,

מיר װעלן טאַנצן, זינגען, און טרינקען כּשר װײַן!


װען דער זײגער שלאָגט צװײ, דרײַ און פֿיר,

די קאַפּעליע װעט שפּילן אָן אַ שיעור!


װען די גלאָקן שלאָגן פֿינף, זעקס און זיבן, 

װעלן מיר אַלע טוען דאָס װאָס מיר ליבן


װען  ס'איז אַכט, נײַן, צען, און עלפֿע אױך

װעלן מיר נאָך זײַן שטאַרק, ס'װעט גײן אַ רױך,                                

װען דער זײגער שלאָגט צװעלף, גיבן מ,יר אַ לאַך

װײַל מיר הײבן אָן נאָך אַ מאָל די גאַנצע זאַך!

Rokn Arum dem Zeyger 

Yiddish Lyrics (c) Khane-Faygl Turtletaub

Eyns, tzvey, dray a zeyger, fir a zeyger – knak!

Finf, zeks, zibn a zeyger, akht a zeyger – hak!

Nayn, tsen elf a zeyger, tsvelf a zeyger –shlak!

Mir veln hulyen bizn tog arayn!

Tu zikh on gor fayn-a kleydl a-sheyns,

Mir veln gut farbrengen ven der zeyger shlogt eyns!

Mir veln hulyen bizn tog arayn,

Biz mir zeen zunenshayn,

Mir veln tantsn, zingen, un trinken kosher vayn!

Ven der zeyger shlogt tsvey, dray un fir,

Di kapelye vet shpiln on a shir!


Ven di glokn shlogn finf, zeks un zibn,

Veln mir ale tuen dos vos mir libn!


Ven s’iz akht, nayn, tsen un elfe oykh,

Veln mir nokh zayn shtark, s’vet geyn a roykh!


Ven der zeyger shlogt tsvelf, gibn mir a lakh,

Vayl mir heybn on nokh a mol di gantse zakh!


Roughly this translates as:

1, 2, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, bang!

We'll party until daylight,

Put on your best clothes,

We're going to enjoy ourselves when the clock strikes one!

Until we see sunshine!

We're going to dance, sing and drink kosher wine.

When the clock strikes two, three and four, 

The band will play without stopping!

When the bells strike five, six and seven,

We'll do whatever we like!

When it's eight, nine, ten and also eleven, 

We'll still be going strong and making a big racket!

When the clock strikes twelve we'll give a laugh, 

Because we'll start the whole thing all over again!


Here are the original lyrics as popularized by 

Bill Haley and the Comets! 

One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock,

Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock,

Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock,

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight.

Put your glad rags on and join me, hon,

We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one,

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight,

We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.

We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When the clock strikes two, three and four,

If the band slows down we'll yell for more,

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight,

We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.

We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When the chimes ring five, six and seven,

We'll be right in seventh heaven.

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight,

We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.

We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When it's eight, nine, ten, eleven too,

I'll be goin' strong and so will you.

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight,

We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.

We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When the clock strikes twelve, we'll cool off then,

Start a rockin' round the clock again.

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight,

We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.

We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

(c) Max C. Freedman & Jimmy de Knight - 1953 Myers Music USA

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