Sunday, July 4, 2021

The Star Spangled Banner -- Af Yidish

Today, for July 4, 2021, here are two versions of our National Anthem in Yiddish.      

The first features Binyumen Schechter's Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus, with a running transliteration and translation subtitle.

The second is from one Dr. A. Sen, with whom I am not familiar.   

Here is Dr. Sen's transliteration of the first stanza:

O'zog, kenstu sehn, wen bagin licht dervacht,

Vos mir hoben bagrist in farnachtigen glihen?

Die shtreifen un shtern, durch shreklicher nacht,

Oif festung zich hoiben galant un zich tsein?

Yeder blitz fun rocket, yeder knal fun kanon,

Hot bawizen durch nacht: az mir halten die Fohn!

O, zog, tzi der "Star Spangled Banner" flatert in roim,

Ueber land fun die freie, fun brave die heim!

The entire document is below, with the Yiddish transliteration, the version in Yiddish letters, and the original by Francis Scott key.  

To print a larger copy, drag the picture to your desktop and print from there!  

Have A Happy and Meaningful Fourth of July!


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