Saturday, August 7, 2021

Hulyet Kinderlekh English

Play on, dear children, springtime has begun!

Oh I am, dear children, envious of you!

    Rejoice, rejoice, dear children,  as long as you are young, 

    Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!

Play on dear children, don't waste any time!

Take me in your game!  Give me that joy too!

   Rejoice, rejoice, dear children, as long as you are young,

   Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!

Don't look at my grey hair!  Does that spoil your game? 

My spirit is still young!  As it was many years ago!

   Play on, play on, dear children, as long as you are young,

   Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!

My spirit is still young,  And dies of longing, 

Ah, how it longs to leave this old body behind.

   Play on, play on, dear children, as long as you are young,

   Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump.

Play on dear children,  don't waste any time,

Because spring will end soon, and with it the greatest joy!

  Play on, play on children, as long as you are young!

  Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!


Hear Theo Bikel sing Hulyet Hulyet Kinderlekh in Yiddish at:

(Please note: this is an entirely different song than Hulyet, Hulyet, Bazeh Vintn!)                                               


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