Thursday, August 22, 2024

About this Blog

 If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commercial purpose.   If you enjoy these songs, you will find some in print and some are online.  Sorry for any repetition. Or non-working posts.

This is a work in progress!  

One of these days I'll try to clean it up   

Again, please note that any original works here are not to be used for any commercial purpose.  ###

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

An Explanation

I had intended this blog as a place to keep some Yiddish songs and poetry. But I was quickly consumed by Avrahan Sutzkever's poem Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern. (Under your white stars), which had been set to music by Avrom Brudno. There were a few English translations and interpretations I wanted to keep. And I also wanted to have this both in Yiddish letters and in Latin letters. Hence the repetitive nature of this blog. I may sort this out and consolidate things later. Or I may not. In any event, if you come upon this, please derive benefit from what is here. With thanks! ###

Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn History from Milken Archive

Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn from Milken Archive

Lyrics by Jacob Jacobs

ven du zolst zayn shvarts vi a toter,
ven du host oygn vi bay a koter,
un ven du hinkst tsu bislekh
host hil serne fislekh,
zog ikh, “dos art mikh nit.”

ven du host a narishn shmeykhl,
un ven du host vayzoses seykhl,
ven du bist vild vi an indiyaner,
bist afile a galitsyaner,

zog ikh, “dos art mikh nit.”
zog mir vi erklerstu dos?

kh’vel dir zogn bald farvos:vayl bay mir bistu sheyn,
bay mir hostu kheyn,
bay mir bistu eyner af der velt.

bay mir bistu gut,
bay mir hostu “it,”
bay mir bistu tayerer fun gelt.
fil sheyne meydlekh hobn shoyn gevolt nemen mikh.
un fun zey ale oysgeklibn hob ikh nor dikh.
vayl bay mir bistu sheyn,
bay mir hostu kheyn,
bay mir bistu eyner af der velt.


Composer: Sholom Secunda

Length: 02:49

Genre: Yiddish Theater

Performers: Elli Jaffe, Conductor;  Simon Spiro, Tenor;  Vienna Chamber Orchestra

Date Recorded: 10/01/2001

Venue: Baumgartner Casino (A), Vienna, Austria

Engineer: Hughes, Campbell

Assistant Engineer: Hamza, Andreas

Assistant Engineer: Weir, Simon

Project Manager: Schwendener, Paul

Additional Credits:

Publisher: Warner Bros./Cahn Music Co.
Arranger/Orchestrator: Jon Kull
Yiddish Translations/Transliterations: Eliyahu Mishulovin & Adam J. Levitin
Arrangement © Milken Family Foundation

Liner Notes

Confirming supremacy of fame for any one song is nearly always a dangerous business for the musical-cultural historian, but Secunda’s Bay mir bistu sheyn is an exception. There is little risk in asserting that it is simply the world’s best-known and longest-reigning Yiddish theater song of all time, familiar among non-Jews as well as Jews—in Europe, the Americas, and even Japan. The catch in that declaration, however, is that few who know the song, even its Yiddish lyrics, are aware of its birth in the theater—like so many theatrical songs that later achieved independent popularity. More ironic is the lack of awareness in the general world of its Jewish origins or even associations, since its more famous English version (and its subsequent sister adaptations in languages other than Yiddish) is nearly always perceived merely as an icon of 1930s American popular song, in which the words of its title are most often presumed to be some form of Americanized German.

Together with lyricist Jacob Jacobs (1890/91?–1977), also one of Second Avenue’s most prominent actors, singers, and comedians, Secunda composed Bay mir bistu sheyn (To Me You’re Beautiful) for his 1932 musical comedy M’ken lebn nor m’lost nit (One Could Really Live, but They Won’t Let You)—officially subtitled in English as I Would If I Could. With a book by Abraham Blum, the show opened at the Rolland Theater in Brooklyn, and the song was introduced onstage by the beloved Aaron Lebedeff (1873–1960)—often dubbed the Yiddish Al Jolson—as a duet with Lucy Levin (whose part in the song was minor).

According to one not always reliable account, Lebedeff first suggested the title of the song to Secunda as a leitmotif for the show, after which Jacobs furnished the lyrics once Secunda had written the tune. In that account, Lebedeff then vehemently resisted the song, insisting instead on melodic alterations of his own, and he sang it as written on opening night only on a bet with Secunda over the audience reaction. The ecstatic ovation, however, reportedly required three encore repetitions.

As an instant hit in the Second Avenue milieu, the song was published independently by its composer and lyricist. It sold well in the usual Jewish markets and emanated fashionably from Jewish bandstands. But since such hits usually continued to engage that fickle public only for the duration of the season surrounding a show’s run, Secunda—unable to imagine its future potential ability to captivate, albeit in a different guise, non-Jewish audiences—sold the rights to a publisher four years later for a pittance. Considerable twaddle has accumulated around the succession of events that catapulted the song onto the international scene as an overnight commercial sensation, which, over the years, has generated gargantuan sums in royalties and revenues. And the resulting urban legend has become suffused with apocryphal anecdotes and conflicting, self-serving recollections—one of which even questioned Secunda’s solo hand in the melody.

What is known is that two months after Secunda’s sale of the rights, Sammy Cahn, a well-known lyricist in the general popular music field, wrote (possibly together with Saul Chaplin) an English adaptation of the Yiddish lyrics to Bay mir bistu sheyn. Apart from retaining those four words in the original Yiddish, those English lyrics are not a translation, but more simply a frivolous, almost generic expression of courtship that bears no relation to the particular theme of the original Yiddish words. The English version was then recorded by the up-and-coming Andrews Sisters, who had not quite yet achieved their approaching stardom, and who needed a new song for the B side of their second 78-rpm disc for Decca Records. Its release, and the initial radio broadcasts, detonated an explosive coup beyond anyone’s expectations, and sales exceeded those of what had previously been the biggest American hit recording. Winning the ASCAP award for the most popular song of 1938, Bay mir bistu sheyn was given further new treatments and arrangements in renditions by dozens of singers and orchestras—including Ella Fitzgerald, Tommy Dorsey, Guy Lombardo, the Ramsey Lewis Trio, the Barry Sisters (still in that English version, even though their repertoire was partially Yiddish), Judy Garland, Rudy Vallee, Kate Smith, and many others. But the best-known “swing” version was introduced by Benny Goodman at Carnegie Hall. And the English version has been translated into dozens of languages.

In 1938, when public performances in Germany of any music by composers of Jewish ancestry was forbidden under the Nazi regime, Bay mir bistu sheyn was enthusiastically received on German radio broadcasts. Inadvertently presumed to be simply a general pop song with a southern German dialect, it caused an embarrassing furor and a round of demotions when its identity was discovered. Conversely, a political cartoon that year depicted Hitler singing the song to a personification of the Netherlands. The tune was expropriated by the Soviet Union for an anti-German propaganda song during the war, under the title Baron von der Spik, credited fictitiously to a Soviet songwriter.

The plot of the show appears to be decidedly weak, even for typical Second Avenue fare—with even less than the usual degree of excitement or surprise; a review proclaimed it superfluous to summarize the story. Jake, a shoe factory worker who is fired for union organizing activity, is in love with the owner’s daughter, Hene. In response to her concern about the endurance of his commitment to her, he sings Bay mir bistu sheyn to her at some point in the first act. Despite a series of predictable attempts to thwart the marriage, they are, of course, wed in the end.

Although it was sung as a duet in the original production, the song became known thereafter as a solo rendition—even in its ensemble arrangements. Hene’s vocal appearance in a recording could be jarring without having been set up by  her preceding spoken lines. The solo performer thus simply echoes her question, “How do you explain it?”

In 1961 Secunda and Jacobs were finally able to regain a portion of the rights, and they recycled the song for a new, unrelated musical built around it, which was produced under the title Bay mir bistu sheyn at the Anderson Theater. But shortly thereafter, following the critical success of Secunda’s classically oriented cantata If Not Higher, he expressed the hope that this serious work might make people forget that he was the composer of Bay mir bistu sheyn. That appears unlikely.

By: Neil W. Levin



Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Avinu Malkenu as set and sung by Max Janowski

This is not Yiddish -- it is in Hebrew -- as sung by Max Janowski.

Avinu malkeinu, sh’ma koleinu. 

Avinu malkeinu, hatanu l’fanekha. 

Avinu malkeinu, hamol aleinu 

v’al olaleinu v’tapeinu. 

Avinu malkeinu, kaleh dever 

v’herev v’ra·av mei-aleinu. 

Avinu malkeinu, kaleh khol tzar 

u-mastin mei-aleinu. 

Avinu malkeinu, 

kotveinu b’sefer hayim tovim. 

Avinu malkeinu, 

hadesh aleinu shanah tovah. 

Avinu malkeinu, sh’ma koleinu. 

Avinu Malkeinu, hear our voices. 

We have sinned in Your presence. 

Have compassion on us and our children. 

Rid us of disease, war, and hunger. 

Rid us of every oppressor and adversary. 

Avinu Malkeinu, inscribe us for good 

in the Book of Life. 

Avinu Malkeinu, 

make this a good new year for us. 

Avinu Malkeinu, hear our voices.


from Moments Of Awe, Music Of The High Holidays, released September 15, 2017 

Max Janowski, arr. Raymond Goldstein


all rights reserved



cantor azi schwartz devotional jewish judaism cantorial hebrew New York

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Shprayz Ikh Mir

I go a’ walking with quick, quick steps,
to the fair, to the fair to buy a horse,
with my purse a’ ringing, ringing
and singing, singing myself a little song.

It’s still far, very far, to the city,
and here’s a tavern by the roadside, by the roadside
wide open is the door, is the door
innkeeper, give a glass, a glass to me!

Another glass, another, another glass
the innkee — the innkeeper pours.
Who cares about the city or the fair
I don’t need any horse, don’t need it.

Didn’t buy the horse, didn’t buy,
and I drank the money, it’s long gone,
and now I am jumping, jumping from my troubles
and singing, singing myself a little song. 

Shprayz ikh mir mit gikhe, mit gikhe trit,
Nokh a ferdl tsum yarid, tsum yarid,
Mitn tayster kling ikh mir, kling ikh mir,
Un a lidl zing ikh mir, zing ikh mir. . .

Tsu der shtot iz vayt nokh, zeyer vayt,
Shteyt a kretshme bay der zayt, bay der zayt,
Breyt tseefnt iz di tir, iz di tir,
— Kretshmer, gib a glezl, a glezl mir!

Nokh a glezl, nokh eyns, nokh a gloz
Gist mir on der bale — der balebos.
Vos mir shtot un ven mir, ven yarid,
Az keyn ferdl darf ikh nit, darf ikh nit.

S’ferdl hob ikh nit gekoyft, nit gekoyft,
Un dos gelt shoyn lang farzoyft, lang farzoyft,
Un far tsores shpring ikh mir, shpring ikh mir,
Un a lidl zing ikh mir; zing ikh mir.

שפּרײַז איך מיר מיט גיכע, מיט גיכע טריט,
נאָך א פֿערדל צום יאַריד, צום יאַריד,
מיטן טײַסטער קלינג איך מיר, קלינג איך מיר,
און אַ לידל זינג איך מיר, זינג איך מיר. . .

צו דער שטאָט איז װײַט נאָך, זײער װײַט,
שטײט אַ קרעטשמע בײַ דער זײַט, בײַ דער זײַט;
ברײט צעעפֿנט איז די טיר, איז די טיר,
— קרעטשמער, גיב אַ גלעזל, אַ גלעזל מיר!

נאָך אַ גלעזל, נאָך אײנס, נאָך אַ גלאָז
גיסט מיר אָן דער באַלע- דער באַלעבאָס.
װאָס מיר שטאָט און װען מיר, װען יאַריר,
אַז קײן פֿערדל דאַרף איך ניט, דאַרף איך ניט.

ס’פֿערדל האָב איך ניט געקױפֿט, ניט געקױפֿט,
און דאָס געלט שױן לאַנג פֿאַרזױפֿט, לאַנג פֿאַרזױפֿט,
און פֿון צרות שפּרינג איך מיר, שפּרינג איך מיר
און אַ לידל זינג איך מיר, זינג איך מיר.

Credit: Yoel & Chana Mlotek Yiddish Song Collection at the Workers Circle

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Shprayz Ikh Mir -- Yiddish and English Translation

שפּרײַז איך מיר  lyrics

שפּרײַז איך מיר מיט גיכע, מיט גיכע טריט

נאָך אַ פֿערדל צום יאַריד, צום יאַריד

מיטן טײַסטער קלינג איך מיר, קלינג איך מיר

און אַ לידל זינג איך מיר, זינג איך מיר

צו דער שטאָט איז װײַט נאָך, זײער זײער װײַט

שטײט אַ קרעטשמע בײַ דער זײַט, בײַ דער זײַט

ברײט צעעפֿנט איז די טיר, איז די טיר!

קרעטשמער, גיב אַ גלעזל, גיב אַ גלעזל מיר


נאָך אַ גלעזל, נאָך אײנס, נאָך אַ גלאָז

גיסט מיר אָן דער באַלע-, דער באַלעבאָס

װאָס מיר שטאָט און װען מיט מיר, װען יאַריד

אַז קײן פֿערדל דאַרף איך ניט, דאַרף איך ניט


ס′פֿערדל האָב איך ניט געקױפֿט, ניט געקױפֿט

און דאָס געלט שױן לאַנג פֿאַרזױפֿט, לאַנג פֿאַרזױפֿט

און פֿאַר צרות שפּרינג איך מיר, שפּרינג איך מיר

און אַ לידל זינג איך מיר, זינג איך מיר


To the Fair

I go a’ walking with quick, quick steps,

to the fair, to the fair to buy a horse,

with my purse a’ ringing, ringing

and singing, singing myself a little song.

It’s still far, very far, to the city,

and here’s a tavern by the roadside, by the roadside

wide open is the door, is the door

innkeeper, give a glass, a glass to me!


Another glass, another, another class

the innkee — the innkeeper pours.

Who cares about the city or the fair

I don’t need any horse, don’t need it.


Didn’t buy the horse, didn’t buy,

and I drank the money, it’s long gone,

and now I am jumping, jumping from my troubles

and singing, singing myself a little song.


שפּרײַז איך מיר  lyrics

About this Blog

  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...