Saturday, July 31, 2021

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Original Yiddish

,זאָג ניט קיין מאָל, אַז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן וועג
.כאָטש הימלען בלײַענע פֿאַרשטעלן בלויע טעג
– קומען וועט נאָך אונדזער אויסגעבענקטע שעה
!ס׳וועט אַ פּויק טאָן אונדזער טראָט: מיר זײַנען דאָ

,פֿון גרינעם פּאַלמענלאַנד ביז ווײַסן לאַנד פֿון שניי
,מיר קומען אָן מיט אונדזער פּײַן, מיט אונדזער וויי
,און וווּ געפֿאַלן ס׳איז אַ שפּריץ פֿון אונדזער בלוט
!שפּראָצן וועט דאָרט אונדזער גבֿורה, אונדזער מוט

,ס׳וועט די מאָרגנזון באַגילדן אונדז דעם הײַנט
,און דער נעכטן וועט פֿאַרשווינדן מיט דעם פֿײַנט
– נאָר אויב פֿאַרזאַמען וועט די זון אין דעם קאַיאָר
.ווי אַ פּאַראָל זאָל גיין דאָס ליד פֿון דור צו דור

,דאָס ליד געשריבן איז מיט בלוט, און ניט מיט בלײַ
,ס׳איז ניט קיין לידל פֿון אַ פֿויגל אויף דער פֿרײַ
דאָס האָט אַ פֿאָלק צווישן פֿאַלנדיקע ווענט
.דאָס ליד געזונגען מיט נאַגאַנעס אין די הענט

,טאָ זאָג ניט קיין מאָל, אַז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן וועג
.כאָטש הימלען בלײַענע פֿאַרשטעלן בלויע טעג
– קומען וועט נאָך אונדזער אויסגעבענקטע שעה
!ס׳וועט אַ פּויק טאָן אונדזער טראָט: מיר זײַנען דאָ


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Reyzele in English

There standing in the street, is a still and thoughtful little house.

Inside in the attic, lives my dear Reyzele

Every evening in front to the house, I hang out.

I whistle and call out Reyzl!  Come come come!

A window opens. the old little house awakes,

And soon in the quiet street rings out, A sweet voice: Reyzele is speaking!

Wait a little longer my dear, I shall soon be free.

Walk around the street a while, One, Two, Three!

I walk cheerfully, singing and cracking hazelnuts,

Then I hear skipping down the steps, her little feet.

As she comes down the last step, I embrace her lovingly,

Quietly I kiss her head, come come come.

I ask you Dovidl, don't whistle anymore!

You hear, he's whistling says mother, She's pius; it upsets her.

Whistling, she says, is not for Jewish boys, it's only good for THEM!

Simply give a sign in Yiddish; One, Two, Three!

From today I won't whistle anymore, that I swear,

To please you I will even become pius, my modest one!

Whenever you want, Reyzl, I will be as observant as your mother.

And go every Sabbath to the synagogue!  Come, Come, Come!

I believe you, my beloved, and for that, David,

I shall knit for you a nice tfiln bag, with a Star of David,

When people in the synagogue will be pleased, you will tell them:

Reyzl, my beloved, knitted this! One Two Three!

Thank you for your present' I love you Reyzele!

I love your mother, I love the street, I love the old little house!

I love the stones near your house, since you tread on them!

Listen, your mother is already calling, Reyzl!  Come, Come, Come!

I go cheerfully, singing and cracking hazelnuts, 

I hear running on the steps, her little feet.

The little house again stands thoughtful, the street again quiet.

Come to me in my dreams, Reyzl, Come Come Come!


Sunday, July 18, 2021


 A "campfire" song I love!

Arum dem Fayer

Arum dem fayer, 

Mir zingn lider, 

Di nakht is tayer, 

Men vert nit mider.

Un zol der fayer,

Farloshn vern,

Shaynt oyf der himl, 

Mit zayne shtern. 

To kroyn di kep,

Mit blumenkrantzn,

Arum dem fayer, 

Mir freylekh tantzen,

Vayl tantz un lid

Iz undzer lebn,

Dernokh in shlof, 

Khalolymes shveben.  


Roughly translated:

Around the fire we sing songs,

The night is lovely, we don't get tired.

And should the fire go out

Stars will shine in the sky!

So crown you head with garlands of flowers,

Around the fire we'll dance happily!

Because dance and song are our life,

Later in sleep we'll weave dreams!

Here's a link where you may be able to listen:

A nice video; hear it slowly first and then up to a good tempo!  

It notes:

"Shpielberg performs Arum Dem Fayer featuring Svetlana Kundish and Mendy Cahan. Shpielberg is Daniel Hoffman - violin, Tal Kuhn - contrabass, Eli Preminger - Trumpet, Yair Salzman - drums, and Ira Shiran - accordion."

Sunday, July 4, 2021

America the Beautiful

Also for July Fourth:

America the Beautiful with Binyuman's Schechter's Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus!  

With English Subtitles.



The Star Spangled Banner -- Af Yidish

Today, for July 4, 2021, here are two versions of our National Anthem in Yiddish.      

The first features Binyumen Schechter's Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus, with a running transliteration and translation subtitle.

The second is from one Dr. A. Sen, with whom I am not familiar.   

Here is Dr. Sen's transliteration of the first stanza:

O'zog, kenstu sehn, wen bagin licht dervacht,

Vos mir hoben bagrist in farnachtigen glihen?

Die shtreifen un shtern, durch shreklicher nacht,

Oif festung zich hoiben galant un zich tsein?

Yeder blitz fun rocket, yeder knal fun kanon,

Hot bawizen durch nacht: az mir halten die Fohn!

O, zog, tzi der "Star Spangled Banner" flatert in roim,

Ueber land fun die freie, fun brave die heim!

The entire document is below, with the Yiddish transliteration, the version in Yiddish letters, and the original by Francis Scott key.  

To print a larger copy, drag the picture to your desktop and print from there!  

Have A Happy and Meaningful Fourth of July!


Friday, July 2, 2021

Friling by Shmerke Kaczerginski

(Much more about this song at the above URL)



Ikh blondzhe in geto 
Fun gesl tsu gesl 
Un ken nit gefinen keyn ort 
Nito iz mayn liber, 
Vi trogt men ariber? 
Mentshn, o zogt khotsh a vort. 
Es laykht oyf mayn heym itst 
Der himl der bloyer 
Vos zhe hob ikh itst derfun? 
Ikh shtey vi a betler 
Bay yetvidn toyre 
Un betl a bisele zun.


Friling, nem tsu mayn troyer 
Un breng mayn libstn 
Maynt trayen tsurik 
Friling oyf dayne fligl bloye 
O, nem mayn harts mit 
Un gib es op mayn glik. 

Ikh gey tsu der arbet 
Farbay undzer shtibl 
In troyer, der toyer farmakht. 
Der tog a tsehelter 
Di blumen farvelkte, 
Zey vanynen, far zey iz oykn nakht. 
Far nakht oyf tsurikvegs, 
Es noyet der troyer, 
Ot do hostu libster gevart. 
Ot do inem shotn 
Nokh kentik dayn trot iz, 
Flegt kushn mikh liblekh un tsart 


S'iz hay-yor der friling 
Gor fri ongekumen, 
Tseblit hot zikh benkshaft nokh dir, 
Ikh ze dikh vi itster 
Balodn mit blumen, 
A freydiker geystu tsu mir. 
Di zun hot fargosn 
Dem gortn mist shtraln, 
Tseshprotst hot di erd zikh in grin 
Mayn trayer, mayn libster, 
Vu bistu farfaln? 
Du geyst nit aroys fun mayn zin. 


I wander through the ghetto 
From lane to lane 
Useless, no solace I find. 
My beloved is gone 
How can I go on? 
Someone, oh say just a word! 
My house is aglow now 
The sky's like a blue dome 
But what is there left in my life? 
I stand like a beggar 
At each of these doorways 
And beg for a little bit of sun 

Springtime, please take my sorrow 
And bring my loved one, 
My dear one back to me. 
Springtime, upon your wings of blue 
Take my heart with you 
And bring love back to me 

I go to my work 
And pass by our small house 
In sadness, the door is closed tight 
The days is full of sunlight 
But flowers won't bloom now, 
They're wilting, for them too it's night 
At night when returning 
The sadness is burning 
Right here love, you waited for me 
Right here in the shadows 
I still hear your footsteps 
You kissed me so passionately 


Springtime is with us 
This year very early 
My longing for you is in bloom. 
I see you before me 
Adorned with spring flowers 
Smiling, you will greet me soon 
The sun's rays have lit up 
The garden with sunlight, 
Turning the hard earth to green. 
My dearest, my loved one 
Are you gone forever? 
I can't get you out of my mind. 


This moving song memorializes the author's wife who perished in the ghetto.

Written by the poet after the death of his wife in April 1943. Kaczerginski joined the partisan forces following the liquidation of the ghetto in September 1943. After the war he compiled several hundred poems and song lyrics. He survived the war to meet his death in a plane crash in 1954. The music is by Abraham Brudno, who, following the liquidation of the ghetto was deported to a concentration camp in Estonia, where he died.
(from liner notes to "We are Here - Songs of Remembrance, Hope, and Celbrat) 
Shmerke Kaczerginski (1908-1954 Poet Partisan of Vilna)
Abrom Brudno (Died in the Holocaust 1943)

Thursday, July 1, 2021


Notes from Save the Music:

This song was written in the Vilna ghetto, words by Abraham Sutskever (1913-2010); music by Abraham Brudno (?-1944). It was first presented in the ghetto theater in the play ” Di Yogenish in Fas” (the hunt in the barrel, a pun on Diogenes in a barrel.) It was first sung by Zlate Katcherginsky. After the liquidation of the ghetto, Sutzkever joined the partisan fighters. He survived the war and lived in Israel where he edited the literary quarterly “Di Goldene Keyt”. Sutzkever died January, 20, 2010 The composer, Avrom Brudno, following the liquidation of the Vilna ghetto, was deported to a German concentration camp in Estonia, where he died. YW



Performances of Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern written by Avrom Sutzkever.

See video of his daughter, Mira (Mirele Sutzkever) 

from Yiddish Book Center:,Yiddish.%20This%20interview%20is%20part%20of%20the%20series.

Music by Abraham Brudno, and see more information here:

A few performances:

Chava Albertshteyn:


Yelena Shmulenson accompanied by Binyumen Schechter in a YIVO production with a nice introduction:


National Netherland Youth Choir 


Partisans of Vilne


Barbara Novotny


Kerem Trio with Yeeva Avital with Text Online:

The picture in this video may be Avrom Sutzkever.


About this Blog

  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...