Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Always on the lookout for bilingual Yiddish books -- these help me learn -- I happened on a link to a book of poems but Avrom Sutzkever, one of my favorites, with facing pages in Yiddish and English, published by the Dusseldorf University Press (DUP).

DUP publishes a website called Yiddish Studies Today at:


In English, it appears to be part of a larger work, as its pages are 437-466, and includes a long bibliography.  The section here is entitled Eastern Yiddish Toponyms of German Origin by Alexander Beider. 

I don't know if this Institute publishes other bilingual books, but if they do I want to find them!  The print is a little small for me but I appreciate the content. 



Thursday, August 19, 2021

Zog nit Keynmol


Lyrics: Hersh Glick


Zog Nicht Keynmol in English


‘Zog nit keynmol az du geyst dem letstn veg' (Never say that you are walking the final road), also known as ‘The Partisans' Song’, is perhaps the best-known of the Yiddish songs created during the Holocaust. It was written by the young Vilna poet Hirsh Glik, and based on a pre-existing melody by the Soviet-Jewish composer Dimitri Pokrass. Inspired by the news of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the song was adopted as the official anthem of the Vilna partisans shortly after it was composed in 1943, and spread with remarkable rapidity to other ghettos and camps.  The song is powerful and defiantly optimistic, acknowledging Jewish suffering in the past and present, and urging the Jewish people to continue fighting for their survival. It is one of the most frequently performed songs at Holocaust commemoration ceremonies.

Never say that you are walking the final road,
Though leaden skies obscure blue days;
The hour we have been longing for will still come,
Our steps will drum – we are here! 

From green palm-land to distant land of snow,
We arrive with our pain, with our sorrow,
And where a spurt of our blood has fallen,
There will sprout our strength, our courage. 

The morning sun will tinge our today with gold,
And yesterday will vanish with the enemy,
But if the sun and the dawn are delayed –
Like a watchword this song will go from generation to generation. 

This song is written with blood and not with lead,
It’s not a song about a bird that is free,
A people, between falling walls,
Sang this song with pistols in their hands.

So never say that you are walking the final road
Though leaden skies obscure blue days.
The hour we have been longing for will still come –
Our steps will drum – we are here! 

Reference: Shirli Gilbert, Music in the Holocaust: Confronting Life in the Nazi Ghettos and Camps, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 71.

See 'Jewish Culture During the Shoah' website (Yivo) for a Yiddish version.

Nine versions of this song can be listened to from the Jewish Music Archive at SaveTheMusic.com

Partizaner Lid One Sheet


Wednesday, August 18, 2021


There were a few songs about this horrific event which took place on April 15, 1912. 

This is the song I know best. I believe it was written by Joshua Rayzner and orchestrated by Larry Hochman with vocals by Mandy Patinkin and Judy Blazer.  

But I'm still trying to sort out who wrote this and when - more when I figure it out!

Here is the one I know best with a klezmer trio; it's not too clear a recording but you can get an idea of the tune: 


Vasage Klezmer Trio: Vanessa Vromans - violin, Sanne Möricke - Accordion & Georg Brinkmann - voice(Not too clear but you can get an idea of the tune!)

And also find it at:  


Here is the text:

Ir hot gevis libe mentshn gehert Vos oyf dem yavavam hot zikh farlofn Amerikaner shif hot zikh ibergekert Un file mentshn zenen dertrinken gevorn Oy shtelt aykh for libe mentsh di kartine Vi groys iz geven Gots tsorn Ven file vaser iz arayn in di mashinen Un di lektere iz farloshn gevorn Oy khosn kale zenen zikh gezetsn in freydn Zeyer freyd hot dokh keyner nisht geshtert Zey hobn geshrign: Liber Got! Vos tustu undz tsesheydn? Ober der liber Got hot zikh-tsu zey nisht tsugehert Oy shtelt aykh for libe mentsh di kartine Vi groys iz geven Gots tsorn Ven file vaser iz arayn in di mashinen Un di lektere iz farloshn gevorn

English Translation:

You have undoubtedly heard, dear people What has come to pass upon the ocean An American ship has been overturned And many people were drowned  

Imagine the scene, dear people How great was God's wrath When so much water got into the machines And the electricity went off A bride and groom were blissfully sitting together their joy had been undisturbed They screamed out: Dear God! Why are you separting us? But their dear God did not listen to them Imagine the scene, dear people How great was God's wrath When so much water got into the machines And the electricity went off.




Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 I've just started looking into this - more later!









 League for Yiddish has some wonderful resources for learning and enjoying Yiddish.  Learn more at their website:


They have posted several short vigniettes in their "Verter fun der Vokh" website:


Several of these posts have little stories and all have vocabulary lists.  One more way to keep up your language skills! 

Many of us learned Yiddish from Sheva Zucker's wonderful textbooks, and she now serves as the Executive Director of League for Yiddish.




Monday, August 9, 2021

An Interesting Article on the History of Yiddish

The melody lingers: the Yiddish speech of Ashkenazic Jews by Zelda Kahn Newman from Beer Sheva, Israel, with a PhD in Linguistics from University of Michigan specializing in Yiddish.  

Here is a link to his interesting article: https://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+melody+lingers%3a+the+Yiddish+speech+of+Ashkenazic+Jews.-a090332022 


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hulyet, Hulyet Kinderlekh --- Yiddish


Hear Theo Bikel sing it here -- he sings it very fast but you can at least catch the tune: 

(Please note: This is an entirely different song than the Holocaust song   Hulyet, Hulyet, Baze Vintn!)  

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Hulyet Kinderlekh English

Play on, dear children, springtime has begun!

Oh I am, dear children, envious of you!

    Rejoice, rejoice, dear children,  as long as you are young, 

    Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!

Play on dear children, don't waste any time!

Take me in your game!  Give me that joy too!

   Rejoice, rejoice, dear children, as long as you are young,

   Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!

Don't look at my grey hair!  Does that spoil your game? 

My spirit is still young!  As it was many years ago!

   Play on, play on, dear children, as long as you are young,

   Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!

My spirit is still young,  And dies of longing, 

Ah, how it longs to leave this old body behind.

   Play on, play on, dear children, as long as you are young,

   Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump.

Play on dear children,  don't waste any time,

Because spring will end soon, and with it the greatest joy!

  Play on, play on children, as long as you are young!

  Because from spring to winter, is just a cat's jump!


Hear Theo Bikel sing Hulyet Hulyet Kinderlekh in Yiddish at:


(Please note: this is an entirely different song than Hulyet, Hulyet, Bazeh Vintn!)                                               


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Harbstlid by Beyle Schechter-Gottesman



Monday, August 2, 2021

Harbstlid -- English Translation

See it’s fall and all that was green is yellowed, withered, 

See it’s fall and that which greened bloomed is gone

 And I who thought it would always be spring ,

And held in my hand all eternity..

     Oho!  Falling leaves, Oho, flying days, 

     Oho, how, how will I wander now, 

     When thick fog settles on my way

Sadly cawing birds say good bye —

Moaning at the window, and the wind complains.. 

I wish that I could get away from here now,

To a shore where there is still green spring.

     Oho!  Falling leaves, Oho, flying days, 

     Oho, how, how will I wander now, 

     When thick fog settles on my way

The rain flies, a gallop of wild horses, 

Whispers a secret and holds me close

Why do you need to wait for spring

when autumn offers baskets full of gold?

      Oho!  Falling leaves, Oho, flying days, 

     Oho, how, how will I wander now, 

     When thick fog settles on my way



Some Performances: 

You tube  with a chorus:


Shechter Shvester sing this at: 


And this has subtitles - 


Harbstlid sung by Beyle Schechter-Gottesman's Granddaughters

 Beyle Shechter-Gottesman, 1920-2013,  a contemporary Yiddish poet.

Beyle Schechter-Gottesman's granddaughters sing Harbstlid!

I am grateful to have had the honor of meeting Beyle Schechter-Gottesman and attending her workshops years ago at KlezKamp!


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Harbstlid by Beyle Schechter Gottesman - -Transliterated and Translated


And see at https://joansdeathpoems.blogspot.com/search?q=Harbstlid

HARBSTLID -- Autumn Song by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman

From the Yiddish - that best describes this— 

Boyle Schaechter-Gottesman. Harbstlid (Song of Autumn)


See Lecture: "The Seasons"

For information about Schaechter-Gottesman, see the webpage by Jane Peppler entitled "Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman: poet, composer, living legend"


Ze, s'iz harbst -- See, it's fall --

Un vos gegrint fargelt, farvyanet. And all that greened has yellowed, withered.

Ze, s'iz harbst -- See, it's fall --

Un vos geblit fargeyt ... And all that bloomed is gone ...

Un ikh, vos kh'hob gemeyn s'iz shtendik friling And I who thought that spring would last forever,

Un kh'halt in hant And in my hand I hold

Di gantse eybikeyt. All Eternity.

Oho, falndike bleter! Oho, falling leaves!

Oho, fliendike teg! Oho, flying days!

Oho, vi vel ikh itster blondzhen, Oho, how will I wander now,

Ven s'ligt gedikhter nepl af mayn veg.. When thick fog settles on my way ...

Kraken feygl,  Cawing birds

Zogn troyerik: "Zay gezunt dir!" Sadly say: "Good-bye!"

Krekhtst in fentster Making noise at the window

Un se klogt der vint: And the wind moans and wails:

"O, vi volt ikh itst avek fun danen "I wish that I could get away from here

Tsun a breg To a shore

Vu nokh der friling grint ..." Where there is still green spring ..."

—- Oho, falndike bletter, …etc Oho, falling leaves...

Flit der regn -- Driving rain (lit. rain flies)

A galop af vildn ferdl. Gallops on a wild horse,

Roymt mir ayn a sod: er hot mikh holt. Whispers secret love into my ear:

"Tsu vos zhe darfstu vartn afn friling, "Why do you need to wait for springtime

Az s'hot der osyen fule koyshns gold." When autumn offers baskets full of gold?

Oho, falndike letter, ... etc. Oho, falling leaves ...etc.

Source: Schaechter-Gottesman, Beyle, Zumerteg: Tsvantsik zinglider. Yiddish League, 1990

About this Blog

  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...