Monday, November 29, 2021


Lyrics by Morris Rosenfeld 

English Translation by Theodore Bikel

We are asked to bear in mind that the poet died in 1924, and wrote at a time when there was no Israel, and the notion of Jews fighting for and gaining their homeland was but a distant longing.

The translation catches the spirit, if not the exact wording.


O ir kleyne likhtelekh 

Ir dertselt geshikhtelekh 

Mayselekh on tzol 

Ir dertseylt fun blutikeyt 

Beryeshaft un mutikeyt 

Vunder fun amol. 


Ven ikh zey aikh shminklendik 

Kumt a kholem finklendik 

Ret an alter troym 

Yid, du host gekrigt a mol 

Yid, du host gezigt a mol 

Ot dos gloybt zikh koym 


S'iz bay dir a tolk geven 

Bist amol a folk geven 

Host amol regirt 

Host amol a land gehat 

Host amol a hant gehat 

Akh, vi tif dos rirt. 


O, ir kleyne likhtelekh 

Ayere geshikhtelekh 

Vekn oyf mayn payn 

Tif in harts bavegt es zikh 

Un mit trern fregt es zikh 

Vos vet itster zayn?



O little lights of mystery 

You recall our history 

And all that went before 

The battles and the bravery 

And our release from slavery 

Miracles galore. 

As my eyes behold your flames 

I recall our heroes' names 

And our ancient dream: 

“Jews were learning how to fight 

To defeat an awesome might 

They could reign supreme” 

“They would rule their own domain 

When the enemy was slain, 

The Temple cleansed and whole. 

Once there was a Jewish land 

And a mighty Jewish hand.” 

Oh, how it moves my soul! 

O little lights of mystery 

You retell our history 

Your tales are tales of pain. 

My heart is filled with fears 

My eyes are filled with tears 

"What now?" says the haunting refrain.

With thanks to Jewish Australia


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