Thursday, August 24, 2023

Unter Dayne Vayse Shterne Transliterated

Composer: Abraham Sutzkever Lyricist: Abraham Budno Yiddish Lyrics 

 Unter dayne vayse shtern, Shtrek tsu mir dayn vayse hant. 
Mayne verter zaynen trern, viln ruen in dayn hant 
Ze, es tunklt zeyer finkl In mayn kelerdikn blik 
Un ikh hob gornit kayn vinkl Zey tsu shenken dir tsurik 

 Un ikh vil dokh, got getrayer Dir fartroyen mayn farmeg 
Vayl es mogt in mir a fayer Un in fayer mayne teg 
Nor in kelern un lekher Veynt di merderishe ru 
Loyf ikh hekher, iber dekher Un ikh zukh, vu bistu, vu? 

 Nemen yogn mikh meshune
Trep un hoyfn mit gevoy 
Heng ikh a geplatste strune Un ikh zing tsu dir azoy 
Unter dayne vayse shtern Shtrek tsu mir dayn vayse hant 
Mayne verter zaynen trern Viln ruen in dayn hant ###

Poet: Avraham Sutskever (b. 1913)

Under Your white stars, Stretch to me Your white hand.
My words are tears,  That want to rest in Your hand.

See, their spark dims, Through my penetrating cellar eyes.
And I don’t have a corner from which
to return them to You.

And yet I still want, dear God, To confide in You all that I possess,
For in me rages a fire And in the fire—my days.

But in cellars and in holes  The murderous quiet weeps.
I run higher, over rooftops And I search: Where are You, where?

Something strange pursues me Across stairs and yards with lament.
I hang—a ruptured string, And I sing to You:

Under Your white stars Stretch to me Your white hand.
My words are tears, That want to rest in Your hand. 


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