Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A Yiddish Take on Land is Your Land in Latin Letters Yiddish with Translation (to Print and Carry)

This Land is Your Land realized in Yiddish -- Transliterated

land-in-yiddish/  Lyrics 1940

"Dos Land iz Dayn Land" Woody Guthrie's
"This Land is Your Land"
Yiddish Translation by Linda Gritz & Daniel Kahn
with Harry Bochner, Michael Alpert, & Josh Waletzky

Transliterated Lyrics

(Daniel:)Kh’hob mir gevandert in a land a frayen

Aroys fun midber, vi mi-mitsrayem,

Gezukht a nayem Yerushalayem,

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.


Dos land iz dayn land, dos land iz mayn land

Fun Kalifornye biz Elis Ayland,

Fun di groyse oz’res 

Biz di breyte yamen,

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.

(Sarah:)Ikh gey ariber di berg un teler,

Arumgeringlt fun zise keler.

Di ritshkes murmlen, di feygl zingen:

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.

(Lorin w/ piano:)

Kh’ze a groysn moyer 

Mit a shild vos vornt:

Vil men araynet, shteyt az me tor nit!

Nor af yener zayt, shteyt dortn gornit  

Ot iz di zayt far mir un dir.

(Sveta & Patty w/accordion:)

Gey ikh mir voglen, di zun fun oybn,

Nor beyze vintn tseblozn shtoybn,

Durkh di tumanen, her ikh gezangen:

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.


Af nase gasn, in tife shotns,

Ze ikh vi mentshn betn nedoves

Bay aza dales, darf ikh zikh klern

Tsi dos iz a land far mir un dir.

(Linda and all:)

Es ken shoyn keyner undz nit farshtern,

Di fraye vegn undz nit farvern.

Nito keyn tsamen, ven nor tsuzamen.

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.


Literal translation of the Yiddish: 

I wandered into a free country Out of the desert, as though from Egypt,

Looking for a new Jerusalem,This is a country for me and you.

This is your country,This is my country, From California to Ellis Island,

From the Great Lakes to the wide seas,This is a country for me and you.

I walk over mountains and valleys, Surrounded by sweet voices.

The streams murmur, the birds sing:This is a country for me and you.

I see a big wall with a sign that warns:If you want to enter, it says it’s forbidden

But on the other side, it says nothing,That is the side for you and me.

I go wandering, the sun above, But evil winds are blowing dust,

Through the haze, I hear singing:This is a country for me and you.

On wet streets, in deep shadows, I see people begging for change.

To see such poverty, I wonder If this is a country for me and you.

There’s no one who can stop us,Or forbid us the paths of freedom.

There are no barriers, if we are united.This is a country for me and you.


Here's a French Canadian take on this:  

This Land is Your Land Three Verses


VERY ROUGH ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF YIDDISH THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND I wandered in a free land, Away from the desert and Egypt, Seeking a new Jerusalem, This is a land for me and you! CHORUS: This land is your land, This land is my land, From California, to Ellis Island, From the great forests, To the wide seas, This is a land for me and you. I went over the mountains and hills, Ringed with sweet colors, The branches murmur, the birds sing, This is a land for me and you! I see a great wall, with sign that warns: If people come in, they shouldn’t. But on either side, there stood nothing, This is a land for me and you. I went wandering, the sun above, Wind blowing dust, Through all of this I heard singing, This is a land for me and you. On the wet streets, in deep shadows, I saw people begging for small gifts, Because of this poverty I asked myself, If this is a land for me and you. No one can disturb us, There way is for us. Nothing can disturb us This is a land for me and you. ###

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Sapozhkelekh Large Print

פֿאַרקױפֿן די סאַפֿאָזשקעלעך,
און פֿאָרן אױף די דראָשקעלעך,
אבי מיט דיר אין אײנעם צו זײן.
אױאיך אָן דיר און דו אָן מיר
װי אַ קליאַמקע אָן אַ טיר,
קעצעלעפֿײגעלע מײַן.

אױפֿאָרן אױף די װאָקזאַלעכלעך
און פֿאַרקױפֿן פֿרעמדע שאַלעכלעך,
אבי מיט דיר אין אײנעס צו זײַן.
אױאיך אָן דיר און דו אָן מיר
װי אַ קליאַמקע אָן אַ טיר,
קעצעלעפֿײיגעלע מײַן.

אױעסן אָן א טישעלע,
און שלאָפֿן אָן אַ קישעלע,
אבי מיט דיר אין אײנעם צו זײַן,
אױאיך אָן דיר און דו אָן מיר
װי אַ קליאַמקע אָן אַ טיר,
קעצעלעפֿײיגעלע מײַן.

אױשלאָפֿן אױף די װאָקזאַלעכלעך
און װואַשן פֿרעמדע פּאָלעכלעך. . .
אַבי מיט דיר אין אײנעס צו זײן.
אױאיך אָן דיר און דו אָן מיר
װי אַ קליאַמקע אָן אַ טיר,
קעצעלעפֿײגעלע מײַן.

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  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...