Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A Yiddish Take on Land is Your Land in Latin Letters Yiddish with Translation (to Print and Carry)

This Land is Your Land realized in Yiddish -- Transliterated

land-in-yiddish/  Lyrics 1940

"Dos Land iz Dayn Land" Woody Guthrie's
"This Land is Your Land"
Yiddish Translation by Linda Gritz & Daniel Kahn
with Harry Bochner, Michael Alpert, & Josh Waletzky

Transliterated Lyrics

(Daniel:)Kh’hob mir gevandert in a land a frayen

Aroys fun midber, vi mi-mitsrayem,

Gezukht a nayem Yerushalayem,

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.


Dos land iz dayn land, dos land iz mayn land

Fun Kalifornye biz Elis Ayland,

Fun di groyse oz’res 

Biz di breyte yamen,

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.

(Sarah:)Ikh gey ariber di berg un teler,

Arumgeringlt fun zise keler.

Di ritshkes murmlen, di feygl zingen:

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.

(Lorin w/ piano:)

Kh’ze a groysn moyer 

Mit a shild vos vornt:

Vil men araynet, shteyt az me tor nit!

Nor af yener zayt, shteyt dortn gornit  

Ot iz di zayt far mir un dir.

(Sveta & Patty w/accordion:)

Gey ikh mir voglen, di zun fun oybn,

Nor beyze vintn tseblozn shtoybn,

Durkh di tumanen, her ikh gezangen:

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.


Af nase gasn, in tife shotns,

Ze ikh vi mentshn betn nedoves

Bay aza dales, darf ikh zikh klern

Tsi dos iz a land far mir un dir.

(Linda and all:)

Es ken shoyn keyner undz nit farshtern,

Di fraye vegn undz nit farvern.

Nito keyn tsamen, ven nor tsuzamen.

Dos iz a land far mir un dir.


Literal translation of the Yiddish: 

I wandered into a free country Out of the desert, as though from Egypt,

Looking for a new Jerusalem,This is a country for me and you.

This is your country,This is my country, From California to Ellis Island,

From the Great Lakes to the wide seas,This is a country for me and you.

I walk over mountains and valleys, Surrounded by sweet voices.

The streams murmur, the birds sing:This is a country for me and you.

I see a big wall with a sign that warns:If you want to enter, it says it’s forbidden

But on the other side, it says nothing,That is the side for you and me.

I go wandering, the sun above, But evil winds are blowing dust,

Through the haze, I hear singing:This is a country for me and you.

On wet streets, in deep shadows, I see people begging for change.

To see such poverty, I wonder If this is a country for me and you.

There’s no one who can stop us,Or forbid us the paths of freedom.

There are no barriers, if we are united.This is a country for me and you.


Here's a French Canadian take on this:  

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