Sunday, November 19, 2023

Haynt Iz Purim, Brider

"A PURIM LID / HAYNT IZ PURIM, BRIDER  Haynt iz purim, brider 
lomir zingen lider! 
Zogt, vos hobn Homons den a vert 
lomir bronfn shteln, 
der eybershter vet veln - 
mir hobn ale sonim tif in dr'erd! 

Haynt iz purim, brider 
lomir zingen lider! 
Zogt, vos hot der goles den a vert? 
lomir bronfn shteln, 
der eybershter vet veln - 
moshiakh brengt undz krik oyfn undzer erd!

Homen iz a roshe -
Dos veyst dokh yeder yid,
Ober Got, nishkoshe,
Shvaygt dem roshe nit.
Vart, Homen, vart,
Du zay nit genart -
A nes hot geton mit undz Got!
Zingt, kinderlekh, zingt,
Tanst freylekh un shpringt -
Makht, kinderlekh, greser di rod!

Haynt iz purim, brider,
es iz der yon-tev groys.
Lomir zingen lider
un geyn fun hoyz tsu hoyz.

Lakh, Mordkhele, lakh
a yon-tevl makh,
kindskinder gedenken dem nes.

Zingt, kinderlekh, zingt,
tantst freylech un shpringt,
dem tayern tog nit fargest.

Haynt iz purim, brider,
es iz der yon-tev groys.
Lomir zingen lider
un geyn fun hoyz tsu hoyz." A PURIM SONG / TODAY IS PURIM, BROTHERS  Today is purim, brothers
let us sing songs!
Oh say, what do Hamans have than a word
let us set whiskey
the Almighty will want -
all of us to have enemies deep in the ground

Today is purim, brothers
let us sing songs!
Oh say, what does the exile have than a word
let us set whiskey
the Almighty will want -
the Messiah bring us back to our Earth!

Haman is a criminal
nevertheless every Jew knows,
But By God, nothing
is quiet to the criminal.
Wait, Haman, wait,
don't be going forward -
Our God had done a miracle
sing, little kids, sing,
dance happily and jump -
make, kids, make the circle bigger!

Today is Purim, brothers, it is a big festival.
Let's sing songs and go from house to house.

Laugh, Mordie, laugh, make it a little holiday,
generations remember the miracle. 
Sing, dear children, sing, dance happily and jump,
this dear day do not forget.

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  If you are reading this blog please know that it is for my own use - mostly to be able to find songs that I like, and not for any commerci...