Thursday, August 17, 2023

Harbstlid [Autumn Song] Poem, translation and melody by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman See Lecture: "The Seasons" For information about Schaechter-Gottesman, see the webpage by Jane Peppler entitled "Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman: poet, composer, living legend" Ze, s'iz harbst -- See, it's fall -- Un vos gegrint fargelt, farvyanet. And all that greened has yellowed, withered. Ze, s'iz harbst -- See, it's fall -- Un vos geblit fargeyt ... And all that bloomed is gone ... Un ikh, vos kh'hob gemeyn s'iz shtendik friling And I who thought that spring would last forever, Un kh'halt in hant And in my hand I hold Di gantse eybikeyt. Eternity. Oho, falndike bleter! Oho, falling leaves! Oho, fliyendike teg! Oho, flying days! Oho, vi vel ikh itster blondzhen, Oho, how will I wander now, Ven s'ligt gedikhter nepl af mayn veg.. When thick fog settles on my way ... Kraken feygl, Sadly cawing birds Zogn troyerik: "Zay gezunt dir!" Say: "Good-bye!" Krekhtst in fentster At the window Un se klogt der vint: The moaning, wailing wind: "O, vi volt ikh itst avek fun danen "I wish that I could get away from here Tsun a breg To a shore Vu nokh der friling grint ..." Where there is still green spring ..." Oho, falndike ... Oho, falling ... Flit der regn -- Driving rain A galop af vildn ferdl. Gallops on a wild horse, Roymt mir ayn a sod: er hot mikh holt. Whispers secret love into my ear: "Tsu vos zhe darfstu vartn afn friling, "Why do you need to wait for springtime Az s'hot der osyen fule koyshns gold." When autumn offers baskets full of gold? Oho, falndike ... Oho, falling ...

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